Thursday, June 2, 2011

pictures tell a story

She was emo and didn't want to live

She started school and thought it was difficult. She didn't like it.
She would get in trouble by her teachers because she wouldn't participate in anything. 

in school nobody liked her and she was a loaner.
Her report card came to her house and her parents found out that she was failing every class except art.

She remembered when she got rapped by a guy in a party and couldn't concentrate 

Her art teacher would always be there and art helped her forget the bad things.

One of her assignments in art class were to find a way to make a tree fascinating and she liked doing that. it made her concentrate on that
She found a friend, but they never seemed like friends.

The friends she got noticed that she wasn't "normal" and told her she didn't want to be her friend anymore

Her x friend needed for her to help her with something and thats when Malenda spoke up for the fist time and said no
she got a new guy friend and they got along much better

The guy that rapped her came to her to speak with her because she told people that he rapped her and he started beating her but ended up getting beat up by Malenda 
Malenda got into art and that was what kept her distracted

Her art teacher had to leave school to find a better job, and she was going to miss him